Research Database

246 results for "Activity and Environment"

A Preliminary Study of Park Availability, Awareness and Use in Children: Combining GIS, GPS, Accelerometer and Self-Report Methods

  • Presented on February 26 2013

Background and Purpose A growing body of research has linked children‘s physical activity to neighborhood built environmental characteristics. in particular, neighborhood parks and open spaces have garnered much research attention for the opportunities they provide children to engage in physical activity. Studies in this area typically investigate the availability ...

Comparison of Pedometer and Accelerometer Activity Levels among Fourth and Fifth Grade Students During the School Day

  • Presented on February 26 2013

Background and Purpose Pedometers are popular, relatively inexpensive tools for objectively measuring physical activity. Pedometers have been used in schools to estimate and monitor student physical activity levels. A few studies have provided mixed evidence demonstrating the validity of pedometers for measuring physical activity levels, and several have suggested pedometer ...

Public Transportation Use is Directly Related to More Physical Activity

  • Presented on February 26 2013

Background and Purpose Research suggests that public transportation (PT) (e.g., bus, rail) users are more physically active than non-users. However, this difference could be explained by other individual or shared environmental factors that differ between PT users versus non-users (e.g., attitudinal predisposition for being active; transit users live ...

Measuring Transportation Physical Activity: Self-Report vs. GPS

  • Presented on February 26 2013

Background and Purpose Research investigating relationships between physical activity (PA) for transportation and the built and social environments relies upon accurate measures of PA. Developing accurate and reliable measures has been an objective of the ALR program, as well as of behavioral researchers more generally. Generally, objectives measures are preferred ...

Validation of Youth Physical Activity Questionnaire using ActiGraph Accelerometer among Preadolescents and Adolescents in Urban Settings of Karachi, Pakistan

  • Presented on 26 February 2013

Background and Purpose Physical activity (PA) during childhood and adolescence is essential for good health, normal growth and development. Accurate measurement of PA in children has a great importance for assessing frequency, duration and intensity to examine the trends, dose response and effectiveness of interventions to reduce the attributable risk ...

Non-overweight and Overweight Children’s Physical Activity During School Recess

  • Published on January 13, 2013

Objective Little research has investigated children’s physical activity levels during school recess and the contribution of recess to school day physical activity levels by weight status. The aims of this study were to examine non-overweight and overweight children’s physical activity levels during school recess, and examine the contribution ...

The Implementation of a Pilot Playground Markings Project in Four Australian Primary Schools

  • Published on August 2012

Issue addressed Increasing childhood overweight and obesity rates need strategies that promote and engage children in more physical activity and school is one setting for this. This pilot project aimed to determine if coloured playground markings are an effective strategy, in the Australian context, to increase students? Methods Four schools ...