Research Database

246 results for "Activity and Environment"

Active Travel and Physical Activity Across the School Transition: The PEACH Project

  • Added on December 3, 2012

Purpose Physical activity in youth decreases with age, with the transition from primary to secondary school being a key period for change. Active travel to school has been associated with higher physical activity in youth compared with those who travel by car. This study investigated whether change in travel mode ...

Prolonged Sedentary Time and Physical Activity in Workplace and Non-Work Contexts: A Cross-Sectional Study of Office, Customer Service and Call Centre Employees

  • Published on October 2012

Background To examine sedentary time, prolonged sedentary bouts and physical activity in Australian employees from different workplace settings, within work and non-work contexts. Methods A convenience sample of 193 employees working in offices (131), call centres (36) and customer service (26) was recruited. Actigraph GT1M accelerometers were used to derive percentages of time ...

Urban–Rural Contrasts in Fitness, Physical Activity, and Sedentary Behaviour in Adolescents

  • Published on 2012

Research considering physical activity (PA), physical inactivity and health outcomes among urban and rural youth has produced equivocal findings. This study examined PA, physical inactivity, sedentary behaviours and cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) in adolescents from urban and rural communities in the Portuguese Midlands. The sample included 362 adolescents (165 males, 197 females) of 13–16 years ...

Physical Activity Patterns of Inner-city Elementary School Children

  • Added on October 10, 2012

Purpose To objectively measure the physical activity (PA) characteristics of a racially and ethnically diverse sample of inner-city elementary school children; and examine the influence of gender, race/ethnicity, grade level, and weight status on PA. Methods 470 students in grades 4-6 from six inner-city schools in Philadelphia wore an ActiGraph ...

Walkability Parameters, Active Transportation and Objective Physical Activity: Moderating and Mediating Effects of Motor Vehicle Ownership in a Cross-sectional Study

  • Published on 2012

Background Neighborhood walkability has been associated with physical activity in several studies. However, as environmental correlates of physical activity may be context specific, walkability parameters need to be investigated separately in various countries and contexts. Furthermore, the mechanisms by which walkability affects physical activity have been less investigated. Based on ...

The Feasibility of Rapid Baseline Objective Physical Activity Measurement in a Natural Experimental Study of a Commuting Population

  • Added on October 4, 2012

Background Studies of the effects of environmental interventions on physical activity should include valid measures of physical activity before and after the intervention. Baseline data collection can be difficult when the timetable for introduction of an intervention is outside researchers' control. This paper reports and reflects on the practical issues, ...

School and Individual-Level Characteristics are Associated With Children's Moderate to Vigorous-Intensity Physical Activity During School Recess

  • Published on October 2012

Objective The objective of this study was to identify school environmental characteristics associated with moderate to vigorous physical activity during school recess, including morning and lunch breaks. Methods Accelerometry data, child-level characteristics and school physical activity, policy and socio-cultural data were collected from 408 sixth grade children (mean age 11 years) attending 27 ...

Effect of a Family Focused Active Play Intervention on Sedentary Time and Physical Activity in Preschool Children

  • Published on 2012

Background Early childhood provides a window of opportunity for the promotion of physical activity. Given the limited effectiveness of interventions to date, new approaches are needed. Socio-ecological models suggest that involving parents as intervention targets may be effective in fostering healthier lifestyles in children. This study describes the effectiveness of ...

A Cluster-randomized Controlled Trial of Strategies to Increase Adolescents' Physical Activity and Motivation During Physical Education Lessons: The Motivating Active Learning in Physical Education (MALP) Trial

  • Published on 2012

Background The physical activity (PA) levels of many children and adolescents in Australia are currently insufficient to promote health benefits. Physical education (PE) programs aim to promote PA and reach nearly all school-aged children, but PA levels within PE lessons are often low. PE teachers may influence children's motivation to ...