Research Database

43 results for "Clinical research"

Depression, Obesity, Eating Behavior, and Physical Activity

  • Published on 2012

My coeditors and I are delighted to share this special issue of the Journal of Obesity focused on understanding the comorbidity between obesity and depression. Depression is highly comorbid with obesity [1–3] and may impede weight loss treatment [4–9]. Just as a successful reduction in the obesity epidemic must entail a multilevel ...

The Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome (HAPO) Study

  • Published on 07/2002

Objective The objective of the Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome (HAPO) Study is to clarify unanswered questions on associations of maternal glycemia, less severe than overt diabetes mellitus, with risks of adverse pregnancy outcome. This report describes the background and design of the HAPO Study. Methods HAPO is a 5-year ...