Research Database

3 results for "Light Studies"

Can Promotion of Outdoor Activities Impact People’s Vitamin D Levels?

  • Presented on Sept. 2013

Growing attention has lately been given to the importance of Vitamin D as a factor protecting people’s health. As an exploratory study, we investigated the relationship between physical activity, light level and individuals’ vitamin D status within an intervention promoting physical activity. Fourteen adults (age 49.2±8.0 yr.) underwent a short ...

Indoor versus outdoor time in preschoolers at child care

  • Published on January 15, 2013

Background: Being outdoors may have health benefits including being more physically active. Understanding the relationship between outdoor time and health is hampered by the difficulty of measuring outdoor time. Purpose: To examine the accuracy and validity of light-sensor and GPS methods for quantifying outdoor time among those aged 3-5 years ...