Research Database

1186 results for "Research Database"

Physical Activity Levels and Patterns of 9- and 15-year-old European Children

  • Added on November 8, 2010

Purpose The purpose of this study was to assess physical activity levels and patterns from children participating in the European Youth Heart Study (EYHS) Very limited physical activity data exist that have been collected from representative samples of children and even fewer data collected where physical activity has been measured ...

Physical Activity Assessment in American Indian Children and Adolescents

  • Published on 08/2002

The prevalence of obesity is high in American Indian children (AI) and adolescents, and there is a need for valid methods for estimating energy intake and expenditure that can be applied in large-scale epidemiological studies and prevention programs. Thus, we compared two physical activity (PA) assessment methods, accelerometry and PA ...

Physical Activity Levels in Grade 3 Children During the School Day

  • Published on 2003

The purpose of this study was to analyze physical activity (PA) levels in Grade 3 boys and girls during the school day Participants (281 M, 284 F) wore accelerometers (CSA, Inc.) for 7 consecutive days. Time spent in moderate (3-5.9 MET) and vigorous (> 6 MET) PA was determined BMI was calculated from standard measures of ...

Technical Reliability Assessment of the Actigraph GT1M Accelerometer

  • Published on 04/2010

The purpose of this study was to determine the reliability of the Actigraph GT1M (Pensacola, FL, USA) accelerometer activity count and step functions. Fifty GT1M accelerometers were initialized to collect simultaneous acceleration counts and steps data using 15-sec epochs. All reliability testing was completed using a mechanical shaker ...

Physical Activity Levels in Children and Youth. Weekday vs Weekend

  • Published on 2003

This study analyzed physical activity (PA) levels during the weekday vs. weekend in boys and girls of normal weight, those at risk for overweight, and those who were over-weight Students in Grades 3 (n = 565), 7 (n = 557), and 11 (n = 520) wore accelerometers (CSA, Inc.) for 7 consecutive days Time spent in moderate (3-5 9 MET) and ...

Physical Activity but not Energy Expenditure is Reduced in Obese Adolescents: A Case-Control Study

  • Added on November 4, 2010

Background The influence of physical activity on body weight in children and adolescents is controversial. Objective The objective was to test the hypothesis that the intensity and duration of physical activity differ between obese and normal-weight adolescents, with no difference in estimated energy expenditure. Design We compared physical activity in 18 (8 ...

Physical Activity Before and After Exercise in Women With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

  • Published on 1998

We measured physical activity after strenuous exercise in 20 women with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), compared to 20 sedentary healthy volunteers who exercised no more than once per week. Activity was measured for 2 weeks using a portable waistworn vertical accelerometer. After the first week of activity monitoring, all participants returned for a ...