Research Database

1186 results for "Research Database"

Longitudinal Changes in Dietary Fiber Intake Predict Changes in Body Fat in Women

  • Published on 05/2002

Purpose The purpose of this study was to determine the extent measured changes in total dietary fiber (FIB) per 1000 kcal were predictive of changes in body fat percentage (BF%) in 228 middle-aged women during a 20-month prospective study. Other objectives were to ascertain the extent differences in age, and various baseline ...

Linking Objectively Measured Physical Activity With Objectively Measured Urban Form

  • Published on 2005

Background To date, nearly all research on physical activity and the built environment is based on self-reported physical activity arid perceived assessment of the built environment. Objective To assess how objectively measured levels of physical activity are related with objectively measured aspects of the physical environment around each participant’s ...

Physical Activity and Clustered Cardiovascular Risk in Children: A Cross-Sectional Study (The European Youth Heart Study)

  • Published on 2006

Background Atherosclerosis develops from early childhood; physical activity could positively affect this process. This study’s aim was to assess the associations of objectively measured physical activity with clustering of cardiovascular disease risk factors in children and derive guidelines on the basis of this analysis. Methods We did a cross-sectional ...

Issues of Validity in Actigraphic Sleep Assessment

  • Published on 2004

Objectives The Standards of Practice Committee of the American Sleep Disorders Association has supported the use of actigraphy in the assessment of sleep disorders. Pollak et al disagree. The objective of this paper is to identify and critically evaluate several theoretic and methodological issues that are central to these divergent ...

International Physical Activity Questionnaire: 12-Country Reliability and Validity

  • Published on 09/2003

BACKGROUND Physical inactivity is a global concern, but diverse physical activity measures in use prevent international comparisons. The International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) was developed as an instrument for cross-national monitoring of physical activity and inactivity. METHODS Between1997 and 1998, an International Consensus Group developed four long and four short forms ...

Influence of Changes in Sedentary Behavior on Energy and Macronutrient Intake in Youth

  • Published on 02/2005

Background Changes in sedentary behavior may be related to changes in energy intake. Objective The purpose of this study was to investigate how experimental changes in the amount of sedentary behaviors influence energy intake. Design Sixteen non-overweight 12—16-yr-old youth were studied in a within-subject crossover design with three 3-wk phases: ...