Research Database

1186 results for "Research Database"

Effect of an Exercise Consultation on Maintenance of Physical Activity After Completion of Phase III Exercise-Based Cardiac Rehabilitation

  • Published on 02/2007

Background Many patients do not maintain physical activity levels after completion of phase III exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation. Design This study determined the effect of an exercise consultation on maintenance of physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness 12 months after completion of a phase III exercise programme. Seventy cardiac patients were randomized to ...

Do Logbooks Influence Recall of Physical Activity in Validation Studies?

  • Published on 07/2004

Purpose To examine whether physical activity logbooks influence estimates of validity of 7-d recall physical activity questionnaires. Methods A convenience sample of 551 adults aged 18-75 yr wore an MTI accelerometer for seven consecutive days and were then randomly administered two of four 7-d recall physical activity questionnaires that varied in ...

Validity and Reliability of Community Health Activities Model Program for Seniors and Short-Form International Physical Activity Questionnaire as Physical Activity Assessment Tools in Patients With Fibromyalgia

  • Published on 12/12/2009

Purpose There currently is a paucity of well-validated instruments to quantitatively measure physical activity (PA) levels in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS). This study aims to determine the construct validity and test–retest reliability of two self-report physical activity questionnaires [short-form international physical activity questionnaire (s-IPAQ) and community health activities ...

Differences in Physical Activity in Adults Living in 'High Walkable' Versus 'Low Walkable' Neighbourhoods

  • Added on November 1, 2010

Background Although the positive effects of physical activity have been well established, the majority of people remain sedentary. Ecological models state that it is important to understand multiple influences on physical activity to develop appropriate interventions. Demographic and psychosocial correlates have been studied extensively, but physical environmental variables much less. ...

Differences in Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Physical Activity and Obesity Among Caucasians and Non Caucasians in Norway

  • Published on 05/01/2002

Purpose To evaluate the differences between Caucasians and non-Caucasians with regard to cardiorespiratory fitness, physical activity and obesity measures. Methods Four hundred and ten 9-year old children and 347 15-year old youths participated in a cross-sectional study as a part of the European Youth Heart Study. The non-Caucasians constituted 17% of the ...

Energy Intake and Expenditure in a Sample of 45 Bolivian Urban Adolescents

  • Published on 04/2006

Objective To describe the levels of physical activity and energy intake in a sample of Bolivian Adolescents. Setting La Paz, September-October 2004. Methodology: 45 secondary school students (19 males; 26 females; mean age 15.6 SD 1.25) wear accelerometers (Actigraph-7164; during three days. Anthropometric measurements were registered. A semi-quantitative food frequency-questionnaire was used ...

Development and Validation of a Pregnancy Physical Activity Questionnaire

  • Published on 10/2004

Purpose The effect of physical activity during pregnancy on maternal and fetal health remains controversial and studies have yet to identify the optimal dose of physical activity associated with favorable pregnancy outcomes. The aim of this study was to develop and validate a pregnancy physical activity questionnaire (PPAQ). Methods To ...

Determinants of Physical Activity in Active and Low-Active, Sixth Grade African-American Youth

  • Published on 01/1999

This study compared the determinants of physical activity in active and low-active African-American sixth grade students (N = 108, 57 F, 51 M). Objective assessments of physical activity over a seven-day period were obtained using the CSA 7164 accelerometer. Students were classified as active if they exhibited three or more 20-minute bouts of moderate to ...