Research Database

1186 results for "Research Database"

Association between neighborhood walkability and GPS-measured walking, bicycling and vehicle time in adolescents

  • Published on Jan. 9, 2015

Objectives: To investigate relations of walking, bicycling and vehicle time to neighborhood walkability and total physical activity in youth. Methods: Participants (N=690) were from 380 census block groups of high/low walkability and income in two US regions. Home neighborhood residential density, intersection density, retail density, entertainment density and walkability were ...

Do Short Spurts of Physical Activity Benefit Cardiovascular Health? The CARDIA Study

  • Published on March 17, 2015

Background: For optimal health benefits moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity (MVPA) is recommended in sustained bouts lasting > 10 minutes. However, short spurts of MVPA lasting < 10 minutes are more common in everyday life. It is unclear whether short spurts of MVPA further protect against the development of hypertension and obesity ...

The Feasibility of Reducing Sitting Time in Overweight and Obese Older Adults

  • Published on March 20, 2015

Background: Overweight and obese older adults have high sedentary time. We tested the feasibility and preliminary effects of a sedentary time reduction intervention among adults over age 60 with a body mass index over 27 kg/m2 using a nonrandomized one-arm design. Methods: Participants (N = 25, mean age = 71.4, mean body mass index = 34) completed ...

The Role of Marital Status in Physical Activity Among African American and White Men

  • Added on July 16, 2015

Abstract: Racial differences in physical activity among men are well documented; however, little is known about the impact of marital status on this relationship. Data from the National Health and Examination Survey (NHANES) 1999-2006 was used to determine whether the association of race and physical activity among men varied by ...

Correlates of objectively measured sedentary time and self-reported screen time in Canadian children

  • Published on March 18, 2015

Background: Demographic, family, and home characteristics play an important role in determining childhood sedentary behaviour. The objective of this paper was to identify correlates of total sedentary time (SED) and correlates of self-reported screen time (ST) in Canadian children. Methods: Child- and parent-reported household, socio-demographic, behavioural, and diet related data ...

Longitudinal changes in sedentary time and physical activity during adolescence

  • Published on April 1, 2015

Background: Low levels of physical activity and high time spent in sedentary activities have been associated with unfavourable health outcomes in adolescents. During adolescence, physical activity declines and sedentary time increases, however little is known about whether the magnitude of these changes differs within or between school-time, after-school time, or ...

Maximizing children's physical activity using the LET US Play principles

  • Published on April 9, 2015

Background: Staff in settings that care for children struggle to implement standards designed to promote moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA), suggesting a need for effective strategies to maximize the amount of time children spend in MVPA during scheduled PA opportunities. The purpose of this study was to compare the MVPA children ...