Research Database

1186 results for "Research Database"

Sleep Variability and Nutrition Intake in Adolescents: The Penn State Child Cohort

  • Presented on June 2, 2014

Introduction: The association between habitual sleep patterns and nutrition intake is not fully understood, especially in adolescents. We investigated the association between habitual sleep duration and its variability with nutrition intake in population-based adolescents of the Penn State Child Cohort (PSCC) follow-up examination. Methods: An actigraph (GT3X) and a ...

Sleep Variability and Abdominal Obesity in Adolescents: The Penn State Child Cohort

  • Presented on June 2, 2014

Introduction: Chronic sleep problems in adults have been associated with abdominal obesity and cardiometabolic disorders. However, associations between habitual sleep patterns and central obesity have not been fully understood, especially in adolescents. We investigated the associations between habitual sleep duration and its variability and body fat distribution in population-based adolescents ...

Factors Associated with Night-to-Night Variability in Sleep Duration During Adolescence

  • Added on August 13, 2014

Introduction: Night-to-night variability of sleep variables derived from actigraphy or sleep diary data appears to be a novel risk factor associated with physical and mental health. However, little is known about factors associated with night-to-night sleep variability. The aim of this study was to assess the association of sociodemographic and ...

Increased Physical Activity Improves Sleep and Mood Outcomes in Sedentary People with Insomnia: A Randomized Controlled Trial

  • Presented on June 2, 2014

Introduction: Lower levels of regular physical activity are an independent risk factor for insomnia incidence and prevalence. The impact of public health initiatives to increase physical activity on sleep outcomes of people with chronic sleep disorders remains mainly unexplored. The present trial was designed to investigate the effects on sleep ...

Physical Activity Levels and Nutritional Knowledge's Among Children and Adolescents

  • Presented on July 3, 2014

Introduction: Childhood obesity is a consequence of environments that disrupt the balance of energy intake and energy expenditure. Obesogenic environments consist of social norms and environmental factors that facilitate unhealthy behaviors around diet and physical activity. Nutritional knowledge and physical activity are cornerstones of every obesity treatment. The aims are ...

Sedentary/Light Behavior and Obesity

  • Presented on July 3, 2014

Introduction: Prevalence of overweight and obesity, highly sedentary behaviors (SB) and a lack of physical activity (PA) among young children and adolescent are a major public concern. They are important risk factors for many chronic diseases such as diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. However evidence has shown that most children and ...

Gender Differences Between Objectively and Subjectively Measured Physical Activity and Health in Elderly Individuals

  • Presented on July 3, 2014

Introduction: Recognizing the need to accurately measure physical activity in elderly individuals and its relation with health parameters, the aim this study was to explore the relationships between objectively and subjectively measured physical activity (PA) and health parameters related to cardiovascular health in both genders. Materials and Methods: In a ...

Movement During Sedentary Time is Associated with Cardio-Metabolic Outcomes

  • Presented on July 3, 2014

Introduction: Studies have shown that more sedentary time is associated with adverse health effects and increased mortality risk. However, during sedentary time the degree of movement of the upper body can differ between individuals and this could be a relevant aspect of sedentary behavior. Whether movement during sedentary time is ...

Physical Activity Levels of Adults and Seniors with Intellectual Disability

  • Presented on July 3, 2014

Introduction: Individuals with intellectual disabilities (ID) have low physical activity (PA) levels (PAL) and daily energy expenditure (DEE)(1;2). Aging process begins earlier in adults with ID(3). Nowadays it is possible to assess PAL, intensity, steps and DEE objectively through accelerometry in this population(4). Purpose: To analyze the PAL of adults (...