Research Database

1186 results for "Research Database"

Reallocating time to sleep, sedentary behaviors, or active behaviors: associations with cardiovascular disease risk biomarkers, NHANES 2005-2006.

  • Published on Jan. 17, 2014

Abstract: Sleep and sedentary and active behaviors are linked to cardiovascular disease risk biomarkers, and across a 24-hour day, increasing time in 1 behavior requires decreasing time in another. We explored associations of reallocating time to sleep, sedentary behavior, or active behaviors with biomarkers. Data (n = 2,185 full sample; n = 923 fasting subanalyses) ...

Reliability and validity of the multimedia activity recall in children and adults (MARCA) in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

  • Published on Nov. 27, 2013

Objective: To determine the reliability and validity of the Multimedia Activity Recall for Children and Adults (MARCA) in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Design: People with COPD and their carers completed the Multimedia Activity Recall for Children and Adults (MARCA) for four, 24-hour periods (including test-retest of 2 days) ...

Children’s sedentary behaviour: descriptive epidemiology and associations with objectively-measured sedentary time.

  • Published on Nov. 25, 2013

Background: Little is known regarding the patterning and socio-demographic distribution of multiple sedentary behaviours in children. The aims of this study were to: 1) describe the leisure-time sedentary behaviour of 9-10 year old British children, and 2) establish associations with objectively-measured sedentary time. Methods: Cross-sectional analysis in the SPEEDY study (Sport, Physical ...

Participatory workplace interventions can reduce sedentary time for office workers-a randomised controlled trial

  • Published on Nov. 12, 2013

Background: Occupational sedentary behaviour is an important contributor to overall sedentary risk. There is limited evidence for effective workplace interventions to reduce occupational sedentary time and increase light activity during work hours. The purpose of the study was to determine if participatory workplace interventions could reduce total sedentary time, sustained ...

Comparison of Objectively Measured and Self-reported Time Spent Sitting

  • Added on March 11, 2014

Abstract: Until recently, methods for objective quantification of sitting time have been lacking. The aim of this study was to validate self-reported measures against objectively measured total sitting time and longest continuous time with uninterrupted sitting during working hours, leisure time on workdays and leisuredays. Objective diurnal measurement of sitting ...

Does physical activity influence the relationship between low back pain and obesity?

  • Published on Feb. 1, 2014

Background Context: Evidence supporting an association between obesity and low back pain (LBP) continues to grow; yet little is known about the cause and effect of this relationship. Even less is known about the mechanisms linking the two. Physical activity is a logical suspect, but no study has demonstrated its ...

Energy expenditure compared to physical activity measured by accelerometry and self-report in adolescents: a validation study.

  • Published on Nov. 4, 2013

Background: Physical inactivity is responsible for 5.3 million deaths annually worldwide. To measure physical activity energy expenditure, the doubly labeled water (DLW) method is the gold standard. However, questionnaires and accelerometry are more widely used. We compared physical activity measured by accelerometer and questionnaire against total (TEE) and physical activity energy ...

Objectively measured habitual physical activity and sedentary behaviour in obese and non-obese Malaysian children

  • Published on Nov. 8, 2013

Abstract: The present study examined objectively measured physical activity in Malaysian children and compared the differences in physical levels between obese and healthy weight children. Eighty-six obese children were matched for age and sex with 86 healthy weight children with median age 9.5 years. Habitual physical activity and sedentary behaviour were measured ...

Waist circumference and cardiorespiratory fitness are independently associated with glucose tolerance and insulin resistance in obese women

  • Published on Dec. 12, 2013

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the independent associations between physical activity (PA), cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF), abdominal obesity and insulin action in obese women. We studied 141 abdominally obese women (waist circumference (WC): 106.4 ± 10.2 cm). PA duration (min/day) and intensity (counts/min) were obtained by accelerometry. CRF was ...