Research Database

1186 results for "Research Database"

Adolescent pedometer protocols: examining reactivity, tampering and participants' perceptions

  • Published on Sept. 9, 2013

The aim of this study was to investigate adolescents' potential reactivity and tampering while wearing pedometers by comparing different monitoring protocols to accelerometer output. The sample included adolescents (N = 123, age range = 14-15 years) from three secondary schools in New South Wales, Australia. Schools were randomised to one of the three ...

Increased physical activity improves aerobic fitness, but not functional walking capacity, in severely obese subjects participating in a lifestyle intervention

  • Published on November 2013

Objective To determine the relationship between change in physical activity level and change in directly measured maximal aerobic fitness in severely obese subjects participating in a 1-year lifestyle intervention, and to determine whether change in 6-min walk test (6 MWT) could be used as an indicator of change in aerobic fitness. ...

Weekday and weekend physical activity patterns of French and Spanish adolescents

  • Published on Aug. 27, 2013

Adolescents' objectively assessed physical activity (PA) patterns during specific segments of the day remain unclear. In order to develop a clearer understanding this study examined country and gender differences in moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) levels during specific segments of weekdays and weekend days, and explored the contribution of ...

Blood Pressure Circadian Pattern and Physical Exercise Assessment by Accelerometer and 7-Day Physical Activity Recall Scale.

  • Published on Aug. 24, 2013

Background The relationship between regular physical activity, measured objectively and by self-report, and the circadian pattern of 24-hour ambulatory arterial blood pressure (BP) has not been clarified. Methods We performed a cross-sectional study in a cohort of healthy patients. We included 1,345 patients from the EVIDENT study (mean age 55±14 years; 59.3% women). ...

Daily physical activity in ankylosing spondylitis: validity and reliability of the IPAQ and SQUASH and the relation with clinical assessments

  • Published on Aug. 23, 2013

Introduction The aim of this study was to investigate the construct validity and test-retest reliability of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ; long form) and the Short QUestionnaire to Assess Health-enhancing physical activity (SQUASH) and to investigate the relation between daily physical activity and clinical assessments in patients with ankylosing ...

Association of physical activity and sedentary behavior with biological markers among U.S. pregnant women

  • Published on Aug. 22, 2013

Background To examine the association between objectively measured light-intensity and moderate-to-vigorous-intensity physical activity (MVPA), sedentary behaviors, and biological markers in a national sample of U.S. pregnant women, as few studies have examined these relationships among this population. Methods The sample of noninstitutionalized U.S. civilians was selected by a ...

More of the same or a change of scenery: an observational study of variety and frequency of physical activity in British children

  • Published on Aug. 16, 2013

Background Physical activity is important for children's health, but successful physical activity promotion is challenging. Whether performing many different types of activities (Variety) is associated with higher physical activity independent of the number of activity sessions (Frequency) is unknown, but this information could inform physical activity promotion and public health ...

Schoolyard physical activity of 6-11 year old children assessed by GPS and accelerometry

  • Published on Aug. 14, 2013

Background Children's current physical activity levels are disturbingly low when compared to recommended levels. This may be changed by intervening in the school environment. However, at present, it is unclear to what extent schoolyard physical activity contributes towards reaching the daily physical activity guideline. The aim of this study was ...