Research Database

1186 results for "Research Database"

An Novel Approach to Quantifying Intra-Day Physical Activity Pattern

  • Presented on May 29, 2013

The importance of regular physical activity for maintaining optimal health is well documented. Accelerometer-based measures of activity have proven very useful in recent years for quantifying activity behavior in a wide variety of populations, including adults aged > 65 years. However, few studies have focused specifically on activity patterns within a 24-hour ...

Physical Activity And Sedentary Behaviour In Scottish Youth With Type 1 Diabetes

  • Presented on May 29, 2013

Physical activity can benefit the health of youth with Type 1 diabetes. Despite the benefits some studies have found patients do not always meet the physical activity recommendation of 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) per day. Physical activity and sedentary behaviour have not been measured previously in Scottish youth with ...

Seasonal Changes in Childcare-related Physical Activity and Sedentary Time Among Preschoolers

  • Presented on May 29, 2013

Results from several objective monitoring studies suggest that children’s physical activity (PA) patterns may change across seasons; however, it is not well understood how PA patterns in the childcare setting may change across seasons. Purpose To prospectively track preschoolers’ PA patterns during childcare while investigating for seasonal differences in ...

How Many Hours Are Enough? Accelerometer Wear Time May Provide Bias in Daily Activity Estimates

  • Added on July 5, 2013

Background: There is little consensus on how many hours of accelerometer wear time is needed to reflect a usual day. This study identifies the bias in daily physical activity (PA) estimates caused by accelerometer wear time. Methods: 124 adults (age = 41 ± 11 years; BMI = 27 ± 7 kg/m-2) contributed approximately 1,200 days accelerometer wear time. Five 40 ...

How Does a Hilly Urban Environment Influence Daily Physical Activity in Obese Individuals?

  • Added on July 5, 2013

Background: Increases in physical activity (PA) are promoted by walking in an outdoor environment. Along with walking speed, slope is a major determinant of exercise intensity, and energy expenditure. The hypothesis was that in free-living conditions, a hilly environment diminishes PA to a greater extent in obese (OB) when compared ...

Objectively Monitored Physical Activity and Time in Sedentary Behaviors: Association with Older Adults’ Gait Speed

  • Presented on May 29, 2013

Clinically assessed gait speed is a valuable test of older adults’ functioning and an important predictor of adverse outcomes including disability, cognitive decline, falls, institutionalization, and mortality. It is logical to pursue correlates of gait speed. Purpose To evaluate the relationship between accelerometer-determined indicators of free-living walking volume (steps/day, ...

Time of Day Patterns of Sedentary Activity in 12th Grade Girls

  • Presented on May 29, 2013

In recent years, the risks associated with sedentary behavior (i.e. obesity, Type II diabetes) have become more recognized. Knowledge of the time-of-day when individuals are most sedentary may be beneficial when designing program interventions to promote and increase physical activity. Purpose To examine time-of-day patterns of sedentary behavior in ...