Research Database

1186 results for "Research Database"

Effect of Resistance Training on Body Composition, Self-Efficacy, Depression, and Activity in Postpartum Women

  • Added on June 28, 2012

This study assessed the effect of resistance training (RT) in 60 healthy postpartum women. Participants were randomized to 18 weeks of RT or an active comparison group (flexibility training). RT and flexibility training (FT) exercises were completed twice-weekly based on the American College of Sports Medicine recommendations. Study outcomes included muscular strength, ...

Dietary Fat Oxidation and 24h Fat Oxidation Were Not Different Between Asians and Caucasians Despite Differences in Body Composition

  • Added on June 19, 2012

Objective This study aimed to determine the difference in body composition and its effect on 24 hour fat oxidation and dietary fat oxidation between Asians and Caucasians. Methods Seventeen Asians, (8 males) were matched for BMI, age and gender with 17 Caucasians. Physical activity was measured for 7 days with an accelerometer, followed by ...

Energy Availability in Female Elite Soccer Players and Sedentary Controls

  • Added on June 19, 2012

Objective The aim of this study was to assess energy availability in female soccer players, as being one of the main nutritional concern in this group which is linked with endocrine disturbances and low bone mineral density. Methods Elite female soccer players (n=17) and controls (n=9) registered food intake and ...

Classification Accuracy of Actigraph MVPA Cutpoints in Pre-school Children: A Whole Body Calorimetry Study

  • Added on June 19, 2012

Objective To evaluate the classification accuracy of five ActiGraph moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) cut-point definitions in pre-school children using energy expenditure measured by whole-room calorimetry as the criterion measure. Methods 20 children aged 4-6 years (5.1 ± 0.8years) completed a ~50 min whole-room calorimeter protocol involving age-appropriate moderate and vigorous physical activities (eg. rumling ...

Do Physical Activity, Body Mass Index, and Sleep Duration Predict Clustered Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Children?- A Part of the OPUS Study

  • Added on June 19, 2012

Objective To investigate the single and combined associations of physical activity (PA), body mass index (BMI), and sleep duration with clustering of cardiovascular disease risk markers in healthy children. Methods We did a cross-sectional pilot-study of 74 Danish school children aged 8-11 years. Risk factors included in a continuous metabolic syndrome ...

What Children do all Day: The Physical Activity of 7-year-olds and its Impact on Adiposity (The Earlybird Diabetes Study)

  • Added on June 18, 2012

Introduction physical activity (PA) is perceived to be a key determinant of childhood adiposity. This study objectively characterizes the daily PA of 7-year-olds and relates it to waking time, intensity, UK recommendations and body fat. Methods and Participants MTI-Actigraph accelerometers were worn by 129 (88) healthy boys (girls) for seven days. Calibration ...

Variation in Physical Activity Lies with the Child, Not the Environment: Evidence for an ‘Activitystat’ in Children (The EarlyBird Diabetes Study)

  • Added on June 15, 2012

Introduction There is much interest in children’s physical activity (PA), but little understanding of its control. The evidence that total activity levels could be increased by the provision of greater opportunity for physical activity is lacking. Methods and Participants MTI-Actigraph accelerometers recorded weekly PA in two groups of healthy ...

Associations of Objectively Measured Sedentary Time and Breaks in Sedentary Time With Cardio-Metabolic Markers in a High Risk UK Population

  • Added on June 15, 2012

Purpose Sedentary behaviour is known to have a detrimental effect on health. However, the manner in which is it accumulated may also be important. Therefore, we examined the association of daily sedentary time and breaks in sedentary time with various markers of cardio-metabolic risk. Methods Cross-sectional analysis using 725 participants from ...