Research Database

1186 results for "Research Database"

Estimating Physical Activity in 7-year-old British School Children: A Statistical Approach to Modelling Accelerometer Data Using Functional Analysis of Variance

  • Added on November 18, 2011

Background Accelerometers measure levels of physical activity (PA) objectively, and they are being increasingly used to obtain information on PA in children. Functional Data Analysis (FDA) is a statistical method that can be used to better characterise continuous activity patterns and their variation over time. The objective of this study ...

Cell Phone Based Physical Activity Monitoring. A Validation Study

  • Added on November 18, 2011

Background The study aim was to investigate whether it is possible to use the accelerometer of mobile phones as a valid and reliable tool for monitoring the physical activity. Method A specific mobile phone application to gather and record time varying acceleration was developed. The accelerometer integrated within two mobile ...

Day Length and Weather Effects on Children's Physical Activity and Participation in Play, Sports and Active Travel

  • Added on November 18, 2011

Background/Aims Proponents of the Daylight Saving Bill currently under consideration in the UK parliament have hypothesised that extending afternoon daylight would promote child physical activity. Our aim was to investigate the relative contribution of day length and weather to children's physical activity, and the behavioural mediators underlying these effects. ...

Physical Activity and Novel Cardiac Risk Markers in Healthy Older Adults

  • Added on November 18, 2011

Background The mechanisms underlying the cardia-protective effects of physical activity in older adults remain poorly understood. We examined the relationship between objectively measured physical activity during free-living and novel cardiac risk markers, including coronary artery calcium (CAC) and pericardial fat (PF). Methods Participants were 446 healthy men and women (mean age=66±6 ...

Validation and Calibration of an Accelerometer in Preschool Children

  • Published on 11/01/2006

The following fundamental research was not performed explicitly using an ActiGraph device. However, the theories developed in this paper are used extensively in ActiGraph’s ActiLife software. Objective Obesity rates in young children are increasing, and decreased physical activity is likely to be a major contributor to this trend. Studies ...

Usefulness of a Tri-Axis Accelerometer for Sleep-Wake Scoring

  • Added on November 7, 2011

Introduction A tri-axis accelerometer has been extensively used in recent years. We report our recent evaluation of the usefulness of a three-axis accelerometer for sleep-wake scoring of healthy individuals and patients with sleep-disordered breathing (SDB). Methods Subjects Seven healthy university students 4 men, 3 women, mean age of 21.1±0.7 Seven SDB patients 6 men, 1 ...

Effects of a Physical Education Intervention on Cognitive Function in Young Children: Randomized Controlled Pilot Study

  • Added on October 28, 2011

Background Randomized controlled trials (RCT) are required to test relationships between physical activity and cognition in children, but these must be informed by exploratory studies. This study aimed to inform future RCT by: conducting practical utility and reliability studies to identify appropriate cognitive outcome measures; piloting an RCT of a 10 ...