Research Database

2 results for "Raine Study"

Isolating out-of-bed wear from non-wear and in-bed wear periods in young adults hip-worn accelerometer data (continuous wear protocol)

  • Presented on 2015

Background: The published literature shows no automated method valid for isolating adults out-of-bed wear in continuously worn (24h/day) accelerometer data. We developed an automated algorithm (AA) for continuous hip-worn protocol Actigraph (GT3X+) data that separates out-of-bed wear from in-bed wear and non-wear periods. Methods: In 95 participants of the ...

Assessing sleep using hip and wrist actigraphy

  • Published on Jan. 19, 2015

Abstract: Wrist actigraphy is commonly used to measure sleep, and hip actigraphy is commonly used to measure activity. It is unclear whether hip-based actigraphy can be used to measure sleep. This study assessed the validity of wrist actigraphy and hip actigraphy compared to polysomnography (PSG) for the measurement of sleep. 108 ...